Although the Christmas decorations went up last week, and I've been sewing Christmassy do-dads for some time now it hadn't been feeling all that Christmassy yet. But the Christmas spirit is now firmly with us.
On Saturday evening we went to the local amateur Pantomime, Avast Behind. It was great fun, very traditional, with a man playing the Dame, a girl playing Principal Boy, a ballet (children and men in tutus), plenty of songs, topical and local jokes, and lots of bad puns. I know that Pantomime is a very English phenomenon, but do you go to see anything similar?
Yesterday we watched A Christmas Carol, with Alastair Sim as Scrooge, on the television. There hasn't been a single Christmas since I was about six that I haven't read the story (or had it read to me by my father when I was a child), so I'd better get down to it a bit smartly.
Last night, we walked down to the village church for the candle lit Carol Service. We'd had a light sprinkling of snow and we had to cling on to each other because it was rather slippery. The church was freezing - all part of the magic of Christmas - so we all sang our hearts out to try and keep warm. Afterwards we went back to a neighbour's for a drink before returning home for supper.
And this morning I awoke to even more snow. Nothing like they've had in the South East of course, but enough. So I'm now tucked up warmly in bed with a cup of tea, whilst writing this and I'm about to start making lists of the food I'm planning over the Christmas period, and a shopping list of what we still need.
In case I don't get back again in the next day or so I'd like to wish every one of you a very Happy Christmas.

We've had quite a lot of snow around here. It's been lots of fun for our little 8yr old.
Happy Christmas, Maria.
You have been one busy lady...and now with snow...will definitely give you the feeling of a Christmas card. We are hoping to be able to go to the candle light service on Christmas eve at church...just depends on how Leon is doing.
You have a Merry Christmas.
Sounds like Christmas is now in full swing and the nice old fashioned kind at that. The snow looks lovely. Happy belated birthday to your son, we have several birthdays around this time of year, too.
It really does look quite festive with the snow blanketing every surface. It says "Christmas" so much better than palm trees. Have a fabulous holiday. Will you be seeing your sons again sometime soon?
Happy Christmas!!!! Hope you have a wonderful holiday.
Your trip to the church sounds like a proper Christmassey thing to do...sounds delightful! Keep warm and have a wonderful Christmas!
How wonderful that you're getting Christmas snow. I can just imagine you cuddly warm with your cup of tea. What a lovely feeling.
Oh I nearly forgot!
Have a most wonderful and joyous Christmas, Amanda. Please give our aloha to Christopher as well.
As they say in the islands here:
Mele Kalikimaka!
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