I realise that it's been over a week since I last posted. No reason really, just nothing much to write about. I've made a couple of small things - a water bottle carrier and a camera case - and been beavering away on my BOM that I started last year and then stalled. I think I lost interest because I wasn't keen on the fabrics they sent, but then I decided there was too much money tied up in it to let it just sit in the drawer, so I'm going to finish it. If I don't like it I'm sure someone else will. I've just got the final month to do now, then it will need assembling. Pictures to follow.

I thought I'd broaden my blog to include another big area of my life, apart from sewing. As some of you will know, I've been suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for about two years now. I've also been unwell for many years with extremely unpleasant abdominal/digestive problems, which were labelled as Abdominal Migraine; and then there's been the regular migraines and sinus problems. As I've got older the problems have worsened. About six years ago I realised that I was having problems with wheat, and giving that up helped to a certain extent. Then, over the last year, I worked on finding out what else was causing me problems. As a result I have given up gluten, dairy and foods in the solanaceae family (potatoes, tomatoes, capsicum, chilli, aubergine).

As you can imagine restricting my diet so ferociously has been difficult, even though the benefits have been obvious. It's not been helped by the fact that I've been vegetarian for some 35 years. I've been happy to start eating fish, but just can't face eating meat again.
All of this has meant learning to cook again, and to be honest, I've just lost interest. Poor Christopher has had to suffer some very average food! It's easy for me as I'm feeling so much better, but food has ceased to become a pleasure. So, the time has come to do something about that. I'm tracking down other gluten-free bloggers and I'm going to stock up on suitable foods and look for some decent cook books. And then, I'm going to try and revive an interest in food and cooking.
Do you know anyone with similar food intolerances?