We returned yesterday evening from a lovely weekend away. We set off on Friday in Ronnie (our camper van) arriving in Brighton at about 3.30pm. It was beginning to get dark by then, so we were glad to get settled quickly. We haven't used the van in the winter before, and were delighted to find how well the heater worked and with the blinds down on all the windows we quickly became very cosy. After supper, a one-pot chicken casserole, we spent the evening listening to the radio and I did some sewing. (This photograph is from the internet and shows the camp site in summer)
On Saturday we had a leisurely start and then called a taxi to take us to Number Two Son's house, where we delivered Christmas presents for his partner, and a birthday present for Alexander, whose birthday is on the 17th. Shortly after we got there Number One Son arrived. It's the first time since August that they've seen each other. The four of us then set off for lunch (Alexander's partner is studying for exams next week so didn't join us) - Christopher had ham, egg and chips; Oliver had a very fine home made burger and salad; Alexander had fish and chips; and I had butternut squash and mozarella risotto. Later we tramped around the very crowded Brighton shops looking for a jacket for Oliver, which was to be his Christmas present.
Oliver and I are very similar, we don't like shopping, we don't like crowds and we very quickly lose interest and get grumpy. However, Christopher and Alexander jollied us along and eventually we found something that suited him, which was great. So that was his Christmas present sorted out.
Oliver wasn't able to stay for the evening, but we'd had such a wonderful afternoon. The 'boys' are such a hoot when they get together and it's lovely to see how well they get on now. After Oliver had left, Alexander cooked us some supper (chicken casserole again, but we didn't tell him that we'd had it the night before) and very good it was too. We got a taxi back to the camp site at about 10 o'clock.
On Sunday we got going very early and were away by 8 o'clock, to drive up to Christopher's old running club so that he could join them for their Sunday morning run. It was good to see our old friends again.
We got home at about 4.30pm, driving the last part in the dark. Our days are so short now - only another couple of weeks to the shortest day on the 21st December, then the days will start to get longer again. Rosie had been busy whilst we were away and we were greeted with no less than five dead mice dotted around the house!