Friday, 22 August 2008

This and That (105)

Somehow I seem to have ended up with two six-and-a-half-inch square rulers - if one would be of any use to anybody I'd be more than happy to post it off to you. Obviously, I'll pick the first one to answer affirmatively.

I've now got three swap partners. I've finished the bag for Linda's Bag and Bucket Swap - my partner lives in the USA but didn't give any colour preferences, but seems to like a wide range of colours and materials, so hopefully I'll be in the right area.

My Stitcher's Angel partner lives in Australia and from her blog seems to like country style projects and reds - so that's a bit of a help.

My Secret Santa partner lives in the USA and also likes reds, which is handy for a Christmas project.

I know what I'm doing for the Secret Santa swap, but haven't yet decided on what to do for the Stitcher's Angel swap. I'd better get a wiggle on as I've also signed up for the next Cyber Stitching organised by Mrs Martin's Quilt Shop and I ought to start thinking about small Christmas gifts to make for the family. They only need to be small as we give charity 'virtual' gifts to the adults and tend to give larger presents for birthdays.

Well, I've had several blogs without any pictures, so here's one that's got nothing to do with anything, but I love it. A few years ago we had a History Week at school, and based it around the Norman Conquest of 1066. As a grand finale we re-enacted the Battle of Hastings on the school field. My class were Norman archers and we dressed them up with hats and black bin bag tunics, and made cardboard swords and cardboard (very floppy) bows and arrows. We had such a wonderful time and I know the children will remember it for years to come. So, here's a picture of the class I was teaching at the time, lined up in two ranks preparing to shoot at the Saxons.


Amelia said...

I bet those children had so much fun with this portrayal.


Donna said...

sounds like there's some red in your future....

Hope you can find a home for the ruler... all mine are 6" width... don't think I've ever seen a 6.5. Neat to be able to have a finiahsed size of 6"

scraphappy said...

Isn't it funny how you can end up with two of something without realizing it? I have two companion angle rulers. Do you need one of those?

Brenda said...

I am greatly interested in your square ruler! I bought a book at a yard sale a few months ago that has some beautiful patterns with tons of squares. It would be such a help.

I love what your school did; how magnificent to be able to recreate a piece of history. Thanks for sharing this splendid scene.

Anonymous said...

You are going to be very busy by the sounds of it, Im not in any swaps yet, maybe in the future i will,
Reds are a great warm colour for winter time.

Chookyblue...... said...

so much excitement in blogland with all the swap partners details flying around.......lucky you have all different ones.........