At last, a 'Fungly'! I've been noticing several fungly quilts on people's blogs and thought that I didn't have the time to join in at the moment; then I realised that the quilt I've been making as a leader/ender project well and truly qualified. The 4patch blocks are the last of the first set I made and then discarded for the Orange Crush mystery, then there are loads of strip/crumb blocks and part of the sashing and border fabric is some of the ugliest material you could find. It came as part of a job lot I purchased over the internet. Once finished, it will be donated to the Nursing Home where my mother-in-law now lives - as long as they can find someone with poor eyesight, or who's a bit 'away with the fairies' I'm sure it will be much appreciated.
I had a follow-up appointment about my knee today, and he doesn't really know why it keeps collapsing - the MRI didn't show much. So I shall have some physio, and doubtless there'll be loads of exercises that I will have to push myself to do, and if that doesn't work he thinks he might 'have a look' - by which he means stick one of those mini-cameras in and have a poke about. Huh!!
After that, we went into Hobbycraft to pick up some wadding. I had no intention of buying any fabric, but they were having a clearance and had some of their fabric knocked down to less than one third of the original price, so what can you do? My mind went a complete blank of course, couldn't think of what I might need, but bought several pieces for backings.
I've discovered a fundamental flaw with doing swaps - you work away like a maniac, but can't show anything on your blog - or at least that seems to be the convention. But why? My
partners don't know who I am, so it will still be a surprise even if they have seen it on my blog. Ah, well, who am I to buck tradition. So I will just satisfy myself with a few sneaky pics of my current projects.