It's been a lovely sunny morning, although I can see some dark clouds rolling in now, so I spent some time in the greenhouse sowing some early flower seeds - geranium, sweet peas, lobelia - and some red cherry tomatoes. Now they're sitting on one of the the kitchen window sills. We're blessed with wonderfully deep window sills in the old part of the house, ideal for seedlings.
Then I got some soup on the go, for my poor husband who left for the local hospital over two hours ago, having been advised by the duty doctor to go there to get some antibiotics for a nasty ear infection that's made his face and ear swell up. He can't open his jaw very well, so soup should be just the job.
And, just to prove how sunny it's been this morning, here's Rosie sunning herself by the french windows in the lounge. It's a tough life being a cat.
This afternoon I intend to relax with some hand sewing, quilting with Number 8 perle cotton, which is quick to do but jolly hard on the fingers.

I hope Christopher gets to doing better once the antibiotics gets into his system for a spell.
We had some sunshine for a couple of days - but rain yesterday and again today..has been thundering off and on for the last 45 minutes.
Enjoy your greenhouse...sometimes I wish I had one for my plants...oh well, can always dream.
Have a wonderful week.
So sorry to hear that Christopher is not feeling well. I hope it isn't too serious, though a trip to the hospital is never a good sign. I hope the soup helps. Good luck with your seedlings. I've always struggled with getting them to survive long enough to move outside.
I hope the seeds didn't accidentally get into the soup? Years ago I read of a young wife chopping up a tulip bulb and frying it in with the veg and mince for lunch...I can't remember how it was discovered but I've always thought it would be very easy to mix the garden supplies with the veg! Hope your hub is better soon, ear infections are a bummer.
I hope Christopher will feel better soon. That sounds quite worrisome. The chicken soup can only help. I swear by it.
Think how beautiful your flowers will be, I love sweet peas. And your tomatoes. I really am ready for spring. Wonderful that you have a greenhouse, I think I'm a bit envious.
I hope Christopher is getting better. Very nice collection of bears and the sunshine makes everything more cheerful. Our cats have really been enjoying the sunshine the last couple of days.
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