Friday, 26 February 2010

I spotted this on Abyquilt and followed the link to Charming Chatter. It seems like a perfect project for me to get involved in, as I'm home alone all day tomorrow. DH is away on business and I've planned a whole day devoted to my sewing. I've got some gluten free, dairy free chocolate squirrelled away (it tastes much better than it sounds, honestly); I want to put my Angels Story quilt top together; I've got another quilt top that needs quilting and another that I'm hand quilting and have nearly finished, so plenty to be going on with.

Have a fun day if you're also joining in on this.



Heckety said...

So you're not going to be at all busy then huh????

Karen said...

I never thought about chocolate having gluten. I am not a big chocolate eater, so I will take your word that it tastes okay.