So I started cutting sets of fabric using the ruler every time I had a scrap that was the right size. And when I had enough I started to piece them together.
When I made my first quilt I had my sewing machine in the spare bedroom, so I was able to lay the pieces out on the bed and lift them straight to my machine. Now however, I have a proper sewing room and at the time had nowhere to lay pieces out. This is the sort of quilt that you have to lay out in advance of starting to sew. So all the pieces went back in the box.
Then, last year, I got a small design wall put up and at last I was able to get started on laying the quilt out.
I finished it last week, in time to give to a very dear friend who has been in hospital for the last two weeks and is likely to be there for a while longer yet. I haven't been able to visit her as I've had such a nasty chest infection, but I was able to send the quilt in via another friend.
So here, after a long time in the making, and almost as long in the telling, is the finished quilt. And I grabbed a rare moment of dry weather and sunshine to take a photograph outside.
It's a lap size quilt, the best size I think for just laying over your legs if you're feeling a bit under the weather but not actually freezing cold. As always these days when I'm making a scrap quilt, I used it to practice my quilting. I couldn't think of different quilting patterns for every single windmill, but I think I've got about twenty five different patterns in there.

What a lovely quilt with such a sweet story. The blue you chose for the border ties all the colors together quite nicely.
I love all the different quilting ideas. This is something I need to do more of
Those long term projects lead to amazing finishes, don't they ? :) Such a generous gift for your friend.
Thanks for showing a snapshot closeup of your quilting--lovin' the little loopie-loops!
Beautiful, and I'm so impressed (and a little jealous) with your quilting.
What a nice finish! It's so bright and cheerful and inviting. We also have wet and gloomy weather here.
A lovely quilt and your quilting is really looking professional. I'm sure your friend was glad to get the quilt.
I love this quilt. A long time in the making but we'll worth the wait. I have a simsr ruler and got all turned around when making up the blocks. Seeing yours makes me want to try again!
Oops I forgot to mention how much I like the quilting design.
It's great and I love the quilting on it xxx
It's great that you've got it finished and with such beautiful quilting. I'm sure your friend is pleased, and I hope she can enjoy and take comfort from it.
Oh my! This is so beautiful! I love the colors and design. You are so very talented... and precise. I'm jealous too. :-)
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