I recently joined a Brit Quilt flickr group, for British quilters. There are 126 members now, from all over the British Isles. And they're all completely nuts! Some of the discussions are bizarre, and that's being kind. It was decided that we should have a swap, and it sounded fun, so I joined in. I've got my partner now and have started stalking her, and I guess that whoever has me for a partner may be reading this, so hello and welcome, whoever you are. The next part of the challenge is to design a small quilt for her, and that's going to be fun, I know the sort of fabric she likes and the sort of designs, so all I've got to do is get my thinking cap on and come up with something. Huh! Easier said than done I fear, but I'll be getting down to it next week.
This week I'm up to my ears getting things ready for our village Art, Music and Flowers Festival. I'm organising the art exhibition and hoping that I've remembered everything I need to do.
Apart from exhibiting several quilts I've also made a few mug rugs for sale, here are the last few.
I've also made a weekend bag for Number One Son's girlfriend, using a pattern by Lisa Lam of
U-Handbag, she wrote the Bag Making Bible. The ties at each end can be untied which makes the bag much more capacious.