I've bought a new toy. I found this Singer Featherweight 221K on e-bay, bid for it and won it for a surprisingly low amount - let's hope there's no catch. I'd made enough by selling some books on Amazon to cover the postage, so I felt justified!!!
I've spent a merry time this morning cleaning it up, oiling it (in about 20 different places!) and trying it out. Once I'd sorted out the correct needle for the thread - it seems much more sensitive to this than my modern machines - it went like a dream. I had fun getting all the old thread off the bobbins, the previous owner just wound new thread on top of old. The pad of post-it notes next to the needle is to give me my quarter inch seam. I hope to take this to workshops in future, much easier to lug around than my big one. I need to find some new rubber feet for it but that's about all.
I've not done much else today, as I'm pretty tired. Yesterday Alexander was moving out of his flat into a new one, and we went down to help. He lives up three flights of stairs, and was moving to a new flat up three flights of stairs! It took two trips in the car to move all his stuff, plus a trip to the dump. By the time we eventually got away at about 8 o'clock (having arrived at about 1 o'clock) I was tired, cold, thirsty and hungry, so came home, had a boiled egg and went to bed.