Golly gosh, it's nippy outside today. I've just got back from doing the shopping after dropping DH at the station, and it's still -2F outside (that's 28C). I was glad not to be out walking too much.
Yesterday was Number One Son's 27th birthday. Poor lad, he was off work with a chesty cough and cold so didn't have the greatest of days. Mind you, if he'd been well he'd have been at work from 8.30am until 8.30pm, so that wouldn't have been too special either. I don't know about you, but I always have a quiet personal celebration each time one of my sons reaches another birthday without having any major mishap in the preceding year.
I'm well into the finishing straight now with making Christmas presents and cards. And I'm starting to think about what decorations I can make this year, before I have to get into baking in the last week. We don't put our Christmas decorations up until the weekend before Christmas, so there's a couple of weeks yet. We got into the habit when our boys were small of leaving the decorations until a few days after Number Two Son's birthday on the 17th December, so that he could have his birthday slightly differentiated from Christmas. Once they go up we can really get into the Christmas spirit.
I'm feeling really chuffed with myself though. I have finished my Friends for Christmas quilt in time for this year. It's from Lynette Anderson's book Friends for Christmas (the one I lost for about six weeks in the summer) and it's huge - 50" x 55". I gritted my teeth and machine quilted it by stitching around the outside of each shape and then meandering round them. In the borders I meandered and looped and threw in a few stars and holly leaves. All it needs now is a label. Sorry it looks a bit wobbly and wonky - I had to perch it on the top of the door and door frame to get a picture.
From Christmas 2008 03/12/2008 10:43 |

Looks fabulous! You've done a beautiful job. Make sure you email it to Lynette, I'm sure she'd love to see it too!
The designs in the quilt are quite cute and whimsical ...was it fun to do?
The temps do sound cold...we are having some cooler weather too here in Oklahoma.
Enjoy the week.
by the way - is the sale of the house and your moving still on?
Hurray for you - look at that Christmas quilt - it's fantastic! And you finished it way before Christmas! I'm still trying to finish up last years Christmas quilt. It's nice to hear that you give special consideration to the December birthday. My dd#2's is the 21 - and we do the same thing.
I love your Christmas quilt!! What cute penguins and great color choices. Stay warm!
You are quite right to be chuffed (I love that saying!). Your Christmas quilt is fabulous. The machine quilting really finishes it off nicely.
It looks fantastic, well done. Now it can hang in pride of place for many years to come. Thanks for showing it on your blog.
best wishes
Lynette x
Wow, love your Friends for Christmas! Gorgeous (O: I can imagine you are very very proud.
Hi Amanda,
oh, I love your sweet 'Friends for Christmas' quilt, it's beautiful!
Congratulations on finishing this quilt in time for the festive season & having your Christmas presents & cards nearly completed - that's really in time... *smile* ...I think I'll never get to this point even though I'd love being early...
Hugs, Julia
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