A couple of weeks ago Number One Son and his girlfriend came to visit for a few days and we took them to visit Bath, focussing this time on the Georgian, Jane Austen end of the city. I took a few photographs, but it was such a dull, damp day they all came out rather dark. But since I've nothing else to write about at the moment (aah, how sad) I thought I'd show a few of them to you anyway.
This is The Crescent, built between 1767 and 1774 and still one of the most exclusive addresses in the City.
There are many streets of Georgian houses like this.
The Circus, a completely round street, with four exit roads, built between 1754 and 1768.
After a wet and dull walk around Bath we went to the costume museum, and here are just a few of the costumes they have - the reflection of the glass shows on them I'm afraid.
This is the earliest dress they have, from the early 1600s.
Can you imagine trying to manoeuvre around in this!
A private sedan chair.
A public sedan chair.
An original Bath chair, originally design for invalids to use around the narrow streets of Bath as they went to 'take the waters'. They were still used, being pushed by an attendant, right up into the twentieth century.