Well, I'm truly organised this year. I've made several small Christmas presents for family and friends, the yearly addition to my sons' Christmas decorations and am now ready to get started on making the Christmas cards. The embroidery machine has come into its own this year and I've made these candle mats and coasters.
The last few weeks have been quite difficult as Christopher's father died suddenly, so there was that to deal with and the funeral. I've been quite unwell with a bad cold that turned into a throat and chest infection, and I've had to deal with Ruby on my own for a lot of the time whilst Christopher travelled backwards and forwards to help sort out the funeral and everything that needs to be organised when you lose your last parent. Luckily he has a brother and sister to help share the load.
But things are settling down now, as is Ruby, and we're beginning to really enjoy her. House training is well under way; she's beginning to learn to bite less and more gently and is starting to respond to simple commands. And she's such fun to watch too. I'm convinced her father wasn't a cocker spaniel at all, but an elephant, as she's grown so much and has such enormous feet!